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1618 - Survey of Grove in Hastingleigh

 transcribed - but there could be errors, as reading old English writing is not an exact science.

Grove - A Survey of the tenants of the
said Mannor with what lands they hould
and by what yearelye rente and services
there made and taken the Seaven and
Twentith day of July in the Sixteenth
yeare of Kinge James of England yr 1618. 

Thomas Owden [there is a side note mentioning Aldelose (aka New Barn Farm) but the rest of the side note is unclear.]

History of previous Surveys, Occupants and Monarch's Reigning year.

Current Occupant


5°H8 twas Mounts: 
[5th year of / c.1514 of Henry VIII - previously occupied by Mount]
2 et 3 .Mar
[2nd and 3rd years of / c.1553 and 1556 of Mary I]
29° Eliz: [29th year of / c.1587 of Elizabeth I]
38° Eliz: [28th year of / c.1596 of Elizabeth I]

Thomas Owden houlds freely of this mannor one
messuage in Hastingleigh and one acre more or lesse
called Crouch Croft abuttinge and apon the land of
Henry Berrye West and to the Lands of
Lusshington North, and to the Kings Streete East and
South and the yearely Rent is L. ii d.H and it is

1 Messuage of 1 acre of land call[ed] Crouch Croft

Rent 2d H

[2 pence]

[ A messuage is a dwelling house, its adjacent buildings and surrounding parcel of land. ]

Roger Eppes 

History of previous Surveys, Occupants and Monarch's Reigning year.

Current Occupant


28°H8 twas John Bulfinches land. 
[28th year / c.1537 of Henry VIII ]
29°.32° H8.
[29th and 32nd years / c.1538 and 1541 of Henry VIII]
2. et 3. Mar.
[2nd and 3rd year  / c.1555 and c.1556 of Mary I]
29° 38° Eliz:
[29th and 38th year / c.1587 and c.1596 of Elizabeth I]
Roger Eppes holds of this mannor freely one Close called
Mabb Close conteyninge by estimaton three acres
and an halfe of land lyinge next to the mannor of
Combe towards the North and the Streete towards
the South and East and lyeth at Cowle Storsse and
twas sometimes Thomas Owdons and the yearelye
rent is L. iiii d ob. Hariot vie atti'd and suit of Court.

One close called
Mabb Close cont
3 acres & an half

Rent 4d:ob.
[4 pence]

[ Ob Heriot ~ means the property becomes the possession of the landlord upon the death of the tenant and cannot be passed on in the tenant's will. ]

Henry Jupit [there is a side note in minute writing - unreadable to me]

History of previous Surveys, Occupants and Monarch's Reigning year.

Current Occupant


17°H8 [17th year / c.1526 of Henry VIII ]
26 °H8 [26th year / c.1535 of Henry VIII ]
1° Eliz: [1st year / c.1558 of Elizabeth I ]
21°Eliz: [c.1579 of Elizabeth I reign ]
26° Eliz: [26th year  / c.1584 of Elizabeth I ]
Henry Jupit doth hould freelye certaine lands in
Hastingleighe called Stapull lyinge in Stapull
whereapon a Tenement is nowe builded but of -
antient time a Barne was onely thereupon wch is yet
standinge and abutts East apon John Potts land
and apon the land of Thomas Sharp South and
the Kings high Streete West and the Demeasnes
of the mannor of Combe North by Ffoaltye and the
yearelye rent of L. Xii d.ob.H. and it is hariotable
This land was sometimes Dunkins and before -
Smith and before that Mis Ffordred

certaine lands called Stapull [now Staple]

Rent L.Xii d. ob

[12 pence]
1710 June 9° - By the Acknowledgement of John Browning the
present ten.t The ffield out of which this
Rent issues is called Fflock Ffield and rents
about Three Acres.

John Skelton 

History of previous Surveys, Occupants and Monarch's Reigning year.

Current Occupant


5° H8 [c.1514 of Henry VIII reign]
26° H8 [c.1535 of Henry VIII ]
31° H8 [c.1540 of Henry VIII ]

26° Eliz: [c.1584 of Elizabeth I reign]
John Skelton houldes freely certaine lands in Hastingleighe
and twentye acres more or lesse of ground thereunto
belonginge , the house and orchard abuttinge upon the
Kings high streete towards the West and the lands of
Christopher Dallye towards the South, and the lands
Doe lye together and abutt apon the Demeasnes of
the mannor of Combe towards the South and apon
Christopher Dallies land towards the West and a comon
Highway goinge throughe the said lands and were -
sometimes the land of Park and after Bakers and
after of Lewis and the yearelye Rent is L.Xvii d, one
Henn and a quarter of a henn and seventeene eggs
and it is hariotable
A messuage of XX [20] acres of ground

Rent 17d Henn & a quarter &
17 eggs:

William Atwood 

History of previous Surveys, Occupants and Monarch's Reigning year.

Current Occupant


5°.29°.31° H8.
[5th, 29th and 31st years / c.1514, c.1538 and c.1540 of Henry VIII reign]
12° Jacobi:
[12th year / c.1615 of King James I reign]
William Atwood houlds freelye a pcell of land
conteyninge fower acres more or lesse lyinge next
Crovedenne or Crovedane and the
Yearelye Rent is L. iiii d.ob and it is hariotable:
and it abutts [lines are left blank]
4 acres of land

Rent 4d.ob

Henry Berrye 

History of previous Surveys, Occupants and Monarch's Reigning year.

Current Occupant


[No notes on prevous tenents] Henrye Berrye doth houlde freely of this mannor
one tenement sometimes Fforstalls and before Borhams
and it is called Heymer and it lieth in Hastingleighe
adioyninge to the Kings highway leading from Wye
to Elmstead and an other highway is west to the
Said house and here are eight acres more or lesse-
of land which are hould on of this mannor belonginge
to the said tenement in one pcell of wch the Said
tenement doth stand and abutts upon the house and
land of James Owdye in pte and upon the lands
of Lusshington in pte An other pcell
hereof adioyned South upon the Kings highway
leadinge from Elmestead to Wye.

and adioynes apon the lands of         Lusshington East
And an other pcell conteynes fower acres or -
thereabouts and ioynes to the pcell aforesaid, and to
the Kings highway West and North and to the
lands of         Lusshington South and East, And an
other pcell conteyninge an acre and an halfe adioynes
apon the Kings highway leading from Elmestead
to Wye South and to the lands of Thomas Ffriend
South and west and to Ashmenfields lands on
the North and to the lands of Thomas Skelton -
East and the yearely Rent is L. iis.iiid, two henns
and ffive and twentye eggs Suite of Court and

One tement called Heymer &
8 acres of land

Rent 2s.3d 2 henns and 25 eggs: