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1618 - Survey of Hastingleigh
Hastingleigh - A Survey of the tenants of the
said Mannor with what lands they hould
and by what yearelye Rente and services
there made and taken the eight and
twentith day of July in the sixteenth
yeare of Kinge James of England yr
William Atwood
History of previous Surveys, Occupants and Monarch's Reigning year.
Current Occupant
1° Eliz [1st year of / c.1558. of Elizabeth I]
12° Jacobi: [12th year of / c.1615 of James I]William Atwood doth hould freelye of this Mannor
Two Crofts the one called Tomplenlane the other called
Melcroft, the Croft called Tomplenlane abuttinge-
apon the lands of this mannor East and South, and
to the Kings High Streete leadinge towards Braborne
West and to the land of William Hawke North-
And the other Croft conteyninge two acres or thereabouts
abutts upon the Demeasne lands of this Mannor East
South and West and upon the Kings Streete North
and the yearelye rent is L. Xi d.ob and hariot.
and was sometime Fforstalls.2 Crofts
1 called Tomplenlane
2 Melcroft.
Rent 11.d.ob
Harriot. And the Said William Atwood houlds alsoe a Tenement in
Hastingleighe sometimes Fforstalls nowe in the
occupaton of William Sturdye and lies next to
the house of Henrye Berrye and adioynes or abutts
upon the Comon highway and the yearely rent is L
III.d and hariotAtenement
Rent 3d
Harriot. This messuage was Phillip Dowse his messuage
and 17° H7 [c.1501 of Henry VII] he paid - XXI.d (21) for a reliefe after the
death of his father, on hereby it appeares the rent is X d. ob
but not harytable and after that Fforstall bought it..
Richard Haulke
History of previous Surveys, Occupants and Monarch's Reigning year.
Current Occupant
[No notes on previous tenents] Richard Haulke houlds freelye two messuages an their
appurtem'ts called Southill in the pishe of Hastingleighe
and the Said tenements doe lye together against the psonage
house and one hundred and twentye acres of land more
or lesse to the Same belonginge lyinge in severall and -
distant fields and abut in pte upon the lands of Mr
Edward Stot and some upon the Demeasne lands of
this mannor and in pte upon the lands of John Searle
gent and the yearely rent is L Xv s / III d.ob and ffive henns2 Messuages
called Southill
& 120 acres
of land
Rent 15s 3d .ob
& 5 henns
John Searle
History of previous Surveys, Occupants and Monarch's Reigning year.
Current Occupant
...this is hariotable as appeares by the Rolls of -
5°H8 [5th year of / c.1514 of Henry VIII]38°Eliz. [38th year / c.1596 of Elizabeth I ]
12°Jacobi:/ [12th year / c.1515 of James I]
John Searle gent houlds freelye a Messuage and
certaine lands called Kingmandowne the Said messuage
leadinge from Braborne to Canterburye, And there
is threeScoare acres of Land more or lesse thereunto
belonginge wth it alsoe hould on of this mannor
and doe lye together the Demeasne Lands of this
mannor and of Richard Haulke on the pte West-
and the lands of Mr Edward Stott in pte South
and the other Lands of the Said John Searle called Woodmanspit on the East and the yearely Rent
is L/ ixS/iid .ob ffive hennes two cocks and an halfe,...[see box on the left for continuation]
A messuage
Certaine lands
Kingmandown [Kingsmilldown]
60ty acres
Rent 9s 2d.ob
5 Henns 2 Cocks
& an halfe
Elizabeth Lusshington
History of previous Surveys, Occupants and Monarch's Reigning year.
Current Occupant
[No notes on previous tenants] Elizabeth Lusshington wife of Simon Lusshington
Doth hould freelye of this mannor one messuage
and twentye acres of Land more or lesse lyinge,
in hastingleighe and the house is called Heymer
and lyeth at Heymer Sole or pond and the lands
that be houlden of this Mannor doe lye on the-
Eastside of the Said house and the yearlye rent
is L iii S.xi d .ob and it is hariotableA messuage and
20 acres of
Rent 3s.11d .ob
William Hawkes
History of previous Surveys, Occupants and Monarch's Reigning year.
Current Occupant
[No notes on previous tenents] William Hawkes doth hould freelye one messuage
lyinge in Hastingleighe abuttinge upon the Streete
called Ffox Streete East and the house is called
Cox and twentye acres of Land more or lesse
is hereunto belonginge, two fields pcell thereof-
lyinge upon the East side of the said Streete abutting
in pte upon the Said Streete and in pte upon the
highwaye runninge alonge the Leez, called Eventons
Leez North, and an other Close lyinge against the
foresaid houseunto and upon the highway west
and upon Mount Sayers North and upon the
Demeasnes of Hastinleighe East and upon
the Lands of William Atwood South
and fower fields more lyinge together upon the
Kings highway leading from Southill to Eventons
Leez and from that way to Heymer North and West
upon Little Cowe Leez and other Lands of Richard Haulkes South and the yearely Rent is L ii S. iii d and it is hariotable, for where the Rent was antientlye L iiii S
Elizabeth Lusshington for her pte thereof paid L ix dA messuage
called Cox and
20 acres of
Rent 2 s.3d
Eliz Lusshington
History of previous Surveys, Occupants and Monarch's Reigning year.
Current Occupant
[No notes on prevous tenents] Elizabeth Lusshington wife of Simon Lusshington
houlds freelye of this mannor one pcell of a Croft
in hastingleighe antientlye called Grove Dane
and was pcell of the Lands abovesaid and nowe
called Hulkes Dane, and lyeth to the Kings high streete
in Hastingleigh South to the lands of Henrye
Berrye West and North and upon the foresaid lands
of the said Lusshington to the East and the yearelye
Rent is L ix d and hariotable.
A pcell of a Croft
called Grovedane &
Hulkes Dane
Rent 9d
Alice Mount
History of previous Surveys, Occupants and Monarch's Reigning year.
Current Occupant
...and it is haryotable as appeares
by the Rolls of5° H8 [5th year of / c.1514 of Henry VIII]
5° Eliz [5th year of / c.1563 of Elizabeth I ]
26° Eliz [26th year of / c.1584 of Elizabeth I ]Alice - Mount widdowe late the wife of John
Mount houlds for tearme of her life two cottages
or small houses lyinge neare together, and there
is two acres and an halfe or thereabouts of Land to
the Same belonginge and abutts upon the Kings highway
leadinge from the Demeasnes of the mannor of
Hastingleigh towards Wye and upon another-
highway leadinge from Eventon Leez to Southill Lands of William Haulke South and the Demeasnes
of this mannor upon the East and the yearely
Rent is Liiiid ... [see notes continue in box on left]A pcell of a Croft
called Grovedane and
Hulkes Dane.
8° Junii :-1710
Total of those RentsL/S/d
1:13.0112: Cocks & henns ½ at 8d: