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Hastingleigh and Elmsted School
The History of the School
The following is a chronology of the school history, gleaned from school reports stored at the National Archives,
The managers reports, stored at the East Kent archives, and from discussions with retired staff and ex-students
of the school.
This is a warts and all list, as the Inspectors reports pulled no punches in the 19th century. Some of the comments
are far from politically correct, but as they reflect the opinions of the time in which they were written, and are an
important piece of social history, I have included some of the transcriptions here.
This page is far from complete and will be updated as and when I get time to transcribe further notes.
6 pages from the manager's report book are still closed and will not be due for release in the Public domain till 2041.
(Clickhere) for a condensed account of the School written for the Parish Magazine in 1982 by Roz Gooderham, and reproduced on this website with her kind permission.
1851 census Elizabeth Nugent schoolmistress aged 25 at Bodsham School 1861 census Elizabeth Evans schoolmistress aged 35 at Bodsham School 1871 census Mary Clark Patten-is the School mistress for Bodsham School. She is aged 60 - 21 Aug 1871
Elementary Education Act 1870
The School Districts of Elmsted in the Poor Law Union of Elham and
Hastingleigh in the Poor Law Union of Ashford are to be considered a United Parish for the purposes of assessing Public school accommodation for 100 children to be situated in Elmsted on the site of the existing School which is to be enlarged to twice its present size.James Suttie and family arrived in Elmsted in 1867 as a Land Steward to the Evington estate; they lived at Bodsham, but came from Scotland. Mr Suttie representing the Honeywood family, is in charge of the development of the Public School in the Parish. 22 Feb 1872 Elmsted Parish has 432 inhabitants of which 350 are of the class whose children may need a local school.
Provision required for children.
53 places can be provided in district schools, thus further accommodation is needed for 17 pupils. Suggested:- The parishes of Elmsted and Hastingleigh (East Ashford CD) should form one district, with a school for 108.The site of the present school would be fairly convenient for all the population.22 Feb 1872
School Inspectors ReportHastingleigh Parish 224 population of whom 190 are the class of people to use a local school.
Accommodation required for 38 pupils and no school in the parish.
Suggested:- Unite with Elmsted to build a school : see Elmsted (Elham CD)1 Aug 1872
Assessment of Parish for a school.Joint population 656
Joint Rateable value L3510.2.6
Number of rate payers 126 (of whom Hastingleigh had 56)
Number of children needing schooling 108.
Existing schools= Elmsted Church School with 91 pupils and Elmsted West School with 69 pupils.
Schedule of 2 months is given for the building of the new school.1874 Memo: Nothing has been done, nor is it likely that anything will be done without a School Board 29 Apr 1874 Elementary Education Act 1870 section XL, XLI
School districts of ELMSTED and HASTINGLEIGH
Education Dept. Hereby give FINAL Notice as follows:
1/ they propose to unite the aforesaid school districts viz.:- the parish of Elmsted in the poor law union of Elham and the parish of Hastingleigh in the poor Law Union of EAST ASHFORD.
2/the schools named in the first schedule to this notice are considered to be available for the proposed united district
3/public school accommodation of the amount and description mentioned in the second schedule to this notice appears to be required for the district.
4/ their Lordships hereby direct that the public school accommodation mentioned in the said second schedule be supplied within a period not exceeding two months from the date of the publication of this notice
5/if at the expiration of such period the public school accommodation mentioned in the said 2nd schedule has not been supplied, or is not in course of being supplied with due dispatch, their lordships will issue an order uniting the above districts, and will cause a school board to be formed for such United school district.
Schedule 1- no efficient school
Schedule 2- a school for 100 children situated in Elmsted.
Particulars: If the existing school is enlarged to twice its present size, sufficient desks supplied, and separate offices built, no further accommodation will be required.25 Mar1874 The Secretary Education Dept.
Whitechapel London
Elmsted and Hastingleigh E.A.M.
County of Kent
With reference to your letter of the 19th March to Lady Honeywood. I am directed by sir Courtenay Honeywood to state that no steps have been taken to carry out the improvements mentioned in your letter. I am also requested to state that the present school and school house are the property of Sir Courtenay Honeywood who was quite willing to allow the ratepayers of the two parishes to add to the school but nothing could be raised by voluntary subscription for that purpose the school is at present supported by Sir Courtenay Honeywood, Revd G. Prideaux the Vicar and myself. The school is very unhealthy in the ....?.....(unreadable)being much too crowded and the sooner a School Board is about to be formed so much the better it will be for the children
Remain Sir
Yours faithfully
James Settie- [Steward on Evington Estate]5 Aug1874 Mr Hodgson
I went to Elmsted yesterday (Aug 4th74) owing to the long drought building operations are at a standstill. The foundations for the new room are dug out and the work will be commenced as soon as a suitable supply of water can be obtained. The specifications are satisfactory but there is to be no contract. Mr Suttee thinks that the buildings will be completed in November. And will forward the plans for inspection. The school will be AG Under the lines I think you may consider that the accommodation is being supplied. The parishioners of Elmsted and Hastingleigh have agreed to pay a rate of 1 shilling in the pound to meet the expenses of building.5 Aug 1874 Memo: The old building is in a bad state, the walls are to be raised and a new room built, to be finished in November next.
No School Board Necessary.8 Aug 1974 Letter to Mr James Suttie Esq.,
Elmsted, Ashford Kent (awaiting transcription/deciphering)Report on first inspection The children are in good order and have been intelligently taught. Some more books and parallel desks must be got as well as a portfolio and cash book. Mr Wetherell will shortly receive his certificate. . . 1875 Diocesan Inspectors Report This school is in all respect most satisfactory. The children are remarkably well taught their behaviour is good, they answer questions intelligently and well and said their repetitions carefully and reverently.
Signed L A Boodle (Diocesan Inspector)9 Jun 1875 The school is now finished and in good working order I visited it today June 9th 1875 10 Jun 1875 . 30 Mar 1876 Memo to: James Suttie Esq.,
The master of the Elmsted and Hastingleigh school having failed in the certification exams for a certification, I am directed to enquire and check the ... wish him to be admitted to the next exams or will appoint a certified teacher in his place. Request an early answer1876 Diocesan Inspectors Report School Closed in consequence of an epidemic. No inspection. 1877 Diocesan Inspectors Report I was very favourably impressed with this school. There were a great number of young children who had not been long under instruction but the elder ones have been efficiently instructed. Their knowledge of the catechism and their acquaintance with the other subjects of examinations were/was very good. Portions of scriptures were well repeated by each group. Lewis Clarke (Diocesan Inspector) May 77 Memo: New school ready. T shaped, each limb 30.0 x 15.0 = 112 [sq ft]
26 sent for exam of matriculation at X-Mas 1875Memo: Detached part of Elmsted Parish to be added to Stelling Parish by L.E.B. order. L.E.B. = Local Education Board Memo: Local Education Board propose and I approve two detached parts of Waltham being amalgamated with part of Hastingleigh. 1878 Summary of Inspectors Report The elementary subjects are on the whole in a creditable state. The children answered satisfactorily in Grammar but Geography is not quite up to the mark. A new map of Europe is required. No vouchers were shown with the school accounts. 1878 Diocesan Inspectors Report Very Good work is being done in this school. The instruction seems to be fully and intelligently given and the children passed every satisfactory examination. Good order and attention were observed and the Hymns were sung reverently and intelligently.
Lewis Clarke (Diocesan Inspector)1879
The children have been well taught and have passed on the whole a creditable examination in the elementary subjects.
The Geography also is much improved and is fairly good. A new map of the World is required.
E. Wetherell is recognised as qualified under Article 32.C.31879 Diocesan Inspectors Report No inspection owing to the severe illness of the Reverend Lewis Clarke. July 1879 Meeting: Secretary to procure a map of the world, a ball frame for the infants, an easel and also to arrange some convenience for the girls for washing their hands before needlework. Six shillings to Mrs Wetherell for purchasing Calico etc. 26 May1880 Diocesan Inspectors Report Group 1 - the narrative in the Book of Genesis and Gospel of St Matthew were well remembered. The portion of the Catechism and the Christian Seasons well understood. The Repetition was good.
Group 2 - Most of the children passed a good examination and all shewed that they had been well taught.
Group 3 - General Remarks, the children in this school are evidently receiving the benefits of careful and reverent instruction.
Lewis Clarke (Diocesan Inspector of Schools)2 Jun 1880 Meeting: A letter was read by the secretary from the Reverend F Metcalf promising to repress in every possible way the migration of children wandering about without reason from school to school.
Prizes awarded to Pupils July 1880
Infant Class = Richard Pilcher
Standard I = Agnes Halliday and Edward Pilcher
Standard II = Sophy Mills and Cubison Tappenden
Standard III = MA Rolfe and Charles Prebble
Standard IV = Ada Kirby and Samuel Gobles
Standard V = Nettie Chittenden
Needlework = Annie Greenstreet
Junior = Florence Giles
Prize for Diligence = Frances Griggs and William Cobb
Religious Knowledge = James Philpott
General Good Conduct = Julius Begent
Certificates of Merit presented to all who pass with credit to Government Inspection.
Sir JW Honeywood promises two prizes in June 1881 to be given to the boy and girl leaving school with the best character for diligence and good conduct.1880-1881 The school is well disciplined and carefully taught. The results of the exam in Standard work are on the whole to a highly creditable nature. Particular praise being due to the writing and spelling of the entire school. Of the class subjects, Grammar is very fair but Geography is poor. The infants write nicely but are rather backward at number. An additional desk is required. 1881 Census Bodsham school: Walter Wetherell School Master, Esther Wetherell School Mistress, and their children Eleanor, Walter and Albert Wetherell. 12 Jul 1881 Childrens Treat at Evington Park 18 Jul 1881 Prizes distributed by Lady Honeywood. 21 Jul 1881 Diocesan Inspectors Report This is a very satisfactory school, excellent order is maintained. Instruction is carefully and intelligently given. The children shewed the benefit they had received by their interest in the examination and intelligent answers. 2 Jun 1882 Meeting: Rev A Upton appointed auditor of school accounts Mr EN Ellis and Mr G Tappenden be elected members of the school committee. 1882-1883 In spite of having suffered severely for some weeks past from an outbreak of Whooping Cough, this school has made great progress during the year the results of the examinations both in standard and class work being of a highly creditable nature. 1883-1884 School Treat at Evington Park.
Prizes awarded to children:
Sir Honeywood = Sam Goble
Lady Honeywood = Harriett Pope
Vicars prizes = Cubison Tappenden, Sydney Sutton, Richard Cook and Arthur Kirby
Infants Prize(s) = John Norris, Walter Keel, John Prebble, Annie Holliday, Annie Prebble
Standard I = William Howland, Richard Begent, Stephen Hopkins, Lottie Smith and Dora Cook
Standard II = Arthur Revell, Arthur Bailey, John Hobbs, Rose Griggs, Louise Kirby, Emily Sutton, Emma Philpott.
Standard III = Edwin Pilcher, John Birchett, William Begent, Lillian Brice, Nellie Norris.
Standard IV = Edward Prebble, Percy Southen, Harry Cobbs, Sophy Mills
Standard V = Alfred Oldfield, James Mills, Elvy Stickles, Julia Terry.1885-1886 The School has made very good progress during the past year; handwriting spelling and arithmetic are all very creditable.
The slate work of the 1st Standard being worthy of special praise. Reading is wanting in intelligence.
The reading of the boys is neither smart nor fluent but the girls read with very fair expression.
English has been taught with fair success but the higher grant was nearly lost owing to the careless and unintelligent answering of the 4th Standard.
Geography is barely passable.
The infants are backward at arithmetic but have otherwise been carefully taught.
The order of the School is thoroughly satisfactory.
Prizes: Sir Honeywood Prize = Sydney Sutton
Lady Honeywood Prize = Julia Terry
Vicars Prize = F Kirby, E Goble, Elizabeth Combes
Infants = W Hobbs, J Hopkins, Maud Brice, Anne Prebble, Rebecca Wiles and John Philpott
Standard I = John Norris, John Prebble, Mace Greenstreet, Oleanda Rolfe, Anne Holliday, Amy Begent
Standard II = Charles Prebble William Howland, Lottie Terry and Rachel Philpott
Standard III = John Hobbs, Arthur Bailey, John Marsh, Matilda Holliday, Rose Griggs, Emily Sutton, Louisa Kirby
Standard IV = Leonard Rolfe, Tom Vickers, Ernest Hopkins, Jane Prebble and Nellie Norris
Standard V = Harry Terry, Harry Cobb
Standard VI = Cubison Tappenen and Nellie Wetherell9 Jul 1887 of the Whitstable Times ELMSTED: Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee
The Jubilee was celebrated on Wednesday in Sir John Honywood's park. The Bodsham school children had their annual treat given by Lady Honywood on the same day. At 5 o'clock the whole of the other inhabitants to the number of upwards of three hundred partook of a substantial tea. The repast was prepared entirely by voluntary workers, who headed by Mr and Mrs Wetherell, have been busily engaged during the whole of the day, with the most satisfactory results. A number of ladies presided at the tea tables, and the tents were embellished with flags, mottoes and a profusion of floral decorations. During the proceedings the Queen's letter to her people was read by the Rev. A. Collett and received with cheers. A cricket match between two scratch teams took place during the afternoon, and was followed by a variety of sports for both sexes, the prizes consisting of articles of clothing. Mr. Tench White's band was in attendance, and a large number of visitors took advantage of the facilities afforded by the smooth turf for dancing, which was kept up with great spirit. After a display of fireworks kindly provided by Mr. Ralph of Ashford, Sir John Honywood called for cheers for the Queen which were enthusiatically given.
9 Aug 1890 A Meeting of the school committee budgets for a thorough clean and re-paint of the school. 1891 Census School House: Walter Wetherell, Schoolmaster and
Esther Wetherell, Assistant Mistress,
Albert Wetherell their son and
one servant Annie Prebble.8 Aug 1895 Meeting: 3 Issues raised,
(i) Education Department insists on a new school classroom and cloakroom for the children, estimated cost L97[Pounds].
(ii) The teaching of drawing in the school. The education department insisted upon this and their teacher was not qualified.
(iii) The new system of free education - The new act comes in to force Sept 1st 1895 and the managers must soon decide what course to pursue.
Donations to the running of the school:
Sir Honeywood 20 pounds
Reverend Collett 20 pounds
St Thomas Hospital 10 pounds
Miss Collett 5 pounds
Miss F.E. Collett 5 pounds
Mrs Ley 5 pounds
Jubilee Fund Surplus 4.11.4 [four pounds eleven shillings and four pence]
Total 79.11.4 [seventy nine pounds eleven shillings and four pence]10 Sep 1895 Elmsted Vicarage, Ashford -
to the Secretary of Education Dept. 1.
Elmsted 2. Elmsted and Hastingleigh School A.M.
Your letter of the 7th inst addressed to Mr Colpoys of Hastings relative to the above school has been handed on by him to me. I write to say that the proposed class room is intended primarily for the use of infants, but at other times, when not required for the infants for the class work of the older scholars.
I am Sir
Yours obediently
Anthony Collett1901 Census At the School House adjacent to the School:
Walter Wetherell and his wife Esther Wetherell. Headmaster and Assistant Teacher respectively.27 Nov 1909 Main Room 44 ft x 15 ft Annex Room 14 ft x 8 ft (suitable for 78 pupils) Infants Room 18 ft x 14 ft (suitable for 29 pupils) 1909 I hereby certify that the grant payable for this School under the provisions of Article 31* (a) (ii) of the code for 1909 is
?4 being 5/- [five shillings]for each unit of the average attendance (viz 16) of the Infants Division for the School Year ended on May 31st 1909 being the School Year last completed before the 1st August 1909.23 Jun 1910 Board of Education Whitehall,
Elmsted and Hastingleigh school No.134
Rev. Sir
I am directed to enclose a copy of a letter which has been addressed to the Local Education Authority. The figures relating to this school as given on the schedule I forwarded with the letter, are appended below.
I am, Rev Sir
Your obedient Servant
L. A. Selby Biggs
Present accommodation Mixed (girls/boys) 84
Infants 32
Total number of pupils 116
Revised accommodation Mixed (girls/boys) 77
Infants 29
Total number of pupils 1061st Jul 1910 A letter from Mr Wetherell announcing his resignation of the post of Head Teacher.
Also the decision is taken to take out insurance against the liabilities of school managers for accidents to children.15 Aug 1910 Mr John Udall, assistant master in Mereworth School was chosen as successor to Mr Wetherell 31 Jan 1911 Mr Udall complained of the manner in which the school premises were cleaned.
Mr Marsh kindly undertook to speak to and warn the cleaner that work must be done properly or the post resigned.
[this could have been Elizabeth Birchett nee Hayward, wife of John Birchett of Elmsted Lees as she is listed in the 1911 census as occupation School Cleaner.]1911 Census . 22 Jun 1914 To Kent Education Committee
From Elmsted Vicarage,
Elmsted and Hastingleigh School Offices No.134
Dear Sir,
I enclose plans of the new offices for the school. Through a misunderstanding they were erected in April as I thought the K.E.C. alone were to be consulted. With regard to having a separate door to each closet, the only way is to build another as in the enclosed plan. The divided closet was copied from the old offices, where no exception had been taken to the arrangement. The managers would suggest that they might if possible be spared the expense of erecting a separate closet. The drains are trapped and ventilated at the highest point. The builders of the offices have constructed the drains in a manner which is approved of by the district surveyor and the work has been well done. The medical officer of the K.E.C. visited the offices lately and found them quite satisfactory.
Yours faithfully
(signed) T.L.T. Hill Hon. Conft.24 Jun 1914 Letter from the Architect
To The Secretary,
Board of Education,
S.W. 1.
Kent- Elmsted and Hastingleigh School No.134
Adverting to your letter of the 2nd instant I am now directed to return the accompanying plans together with a copy of a letter dated the 22nd instant which has been received from the Managers with regard thereto. The Committee will be glad to receive formal approval of the Board to the Managers? proposals in due course.
I am, Sir,
Your obedient Servant
Wilfred H Robinson County Education Architect.8 Jul 1914 Letter to Local Education Authority
From R. Waldron
In reply to Mr Robinsons letter of the 24th ultimo (Architect) I am directed to return the accompanying plans together with the Board?s formal approval of the same. This is given on condition that the partition in the existing double seated closet is extended and doors are provided to each compartment thus formed.
I am, Sir
Your obedient Servant
R Waldron8 Jul 1914 Letter to Local Education Authority
From R Waldron
I am directed to return the enclosed plans which have been approved by the Board of Education, and to request that they may be laid before the Managers of the School who should as soon as the work has been completed, forward to the Board, through the Local Education Authority, a certificate from the architect on the enclosed form, showing that the alterations have been executed in accordance with the approved plans. The plans provide for the new offices and are approved on the condition stated in the accompanying letter.
I am, Sir
Your obedient Servant
R Waldron1914 Mr WJ Taylor and his wife were appointed Head Teacher and uncertified school mistress. 1917 School shut for a measles outbreak 2 May 1918 Miss GA Gornall was placed before the managers, resigning her position as Infant Teacher as she was getting married. 19 Jun 1918 Letters of application were laid before the managers with reference to the vacant position of Infant Teacher.
It was decided to appoint Miss Emily Hayward as monitor and to write to the K.E.C. asking that they recognise her and to state what salary they would offer to her. [Emily Hayward was only 15 years old]16 Oct 1918 K.E.C. agree to appoint Miss Emily Hayward on 5/- [five shillings] a week as the managers felt this was not enough they suggested that the correspondent for the committee should write to the KEC asking them to double it.
Mr Thomas Wells appointed as school cleaner and caretaker of the lavatories. The Piano was not usable, and an estimate for full repair is 15 pounds.. . 8 Jan 1919 Meeting: A letter was read from Mr Taylor [Headmaster] reporting that Miss Hayward was still doing splendid work but strongly advising the appointment of a second class monitor. The Managers expressed difficulty in the promise of a salary rise for Miss Hayward.
One Pound, seventeen shillings and six pence was raised for the school by a Dance & Social event.22Jan 1919 Meeting at the Vicarage Parish Room.
The chairman reported that Miss Hayward and her parents had expressed it as their wish that she should continue as she was at present and not study with the idea of becoming a self sufficient teacher.
A letter was read from Mr Taylor saying that this being the case he had great hopes that Emily would satisfy His Majesties Inspector at least until the school gets a larger attendance at the same time expressing his disappointment that she did not mean to study hard. The managers agreed to a raise of 5 shillings a week for Miss Hayward.
Attention was drawn to the moss covering the roof, gutters and boardings.7 April 1919 Meeting:
A letter was read from the KEC granting Miss E. Hayward the 15 shillings a week asked for stating that there would be no during school holidays.
A circular from the KEC stated that now war was over, essential repairs to schools should looked in to, and that the KEC architect was making an official assessment of each school.16 Jun 1919 A letter from Miss E Hayward asking that the managers would try and make arrangements whereby her salary could be continued during the holidays. The committee would apply to the KEC.
A circular for pre ordering fuel was discussed and it was agreed to apply for 5 tons of coal to be delivered.19 Aug 1919 Meeting: The KEC have agreed to pay Miss Hayward L36 pounds per annum, from the beginning of the Summer Holidays of 1919.
School repairs to be undertaken by Elvy Stickles and son for 5 Pounds 12 shillings and 3 pence.
A letter was read from Miss E Hayward thanking the managers for obtaining her per annum salary.
A letter was read from the KEC suggesting an extension to the summer holidays in commemoration of peace it was decided to increase the summer holidays to 6 weeks.17 Nov 1919 A letter from the Assistant District Education Office about Terms and Holidays.
The correspondent was asked to write, stating the advantages of keeping a week in reserve of the fortnight at x-mas in case of bad weather and of closing late as possible in August so as not to open till after the return of the Hop Pickers.
Two applications for dancing at the school were considered, one from local parishoners and one from Mr Tully of Wye Parish.
It was agreed that the school could be used once a fortnight for dancing but not after midnight, charging 2 shillings six pence a time for use of the room and the piano, with 1 shilling of this going towards the Piano repair fund.
It was decided not to hire out the room to people outside the Parish.
School repair bills had left a deficit of Four pounds eleven shillings and ten pence, it was decided to ask for subscriptions to cover this deficit.
Mr TE Marsh asked to be allowed to resign his position as a Foundation Manager as he felt that after so many years services and at his age a younger man should take his place. A vote of thanks to Mr Marsh for his long and faithful service on the body of the managers.
Signed CWB Cobbe-Chairman [Reverend]15 Apr 1920 Meeting: A Letter was read from Miss E Hayward asking for another rise in salary and also for opportunities for more study. As the managers seemed doubtful how best to deal with the matter, they asked Mr Taylor to come in and give his advice, after which it was decided to send her letter to the KEC and ask them to suggest the best course of action.
Mr T Wells resigned as school caretaker, and Mrs Chapman was retained as his replacement, having been doing the job since January 1st.13 Dec 1920 Meeting: A letter was read from Miss E Hayward thanking the managers and the KEC for her rise in Salary to L70 [pounds] per annum and for being put on the staff on her 18th Birthday.
The Insurance Company requests the two stoves be placed onto slabs of stone. Mrs Chapmans salary was increased from 22/6 to 30 /- per month. The walls of the offices and Infants lobby was distempered. Insurance cover for the school was increased to 1400 Pounds.13 Apr 1921 Rev. H Hammond was elected manager, chairman and correspondent for the school.
Rent for Hiring the School Room was set at 7/6 after midnight. [seven shillings and sixpence]
Mr Taylor [the headmaster] raised issues about
[1] The east end stove and cowl,
[2] Drinking Water Provision
[3] A damaged ceiling
[4] The Road Entrance
[5] New Bibles and Pictures Mr Taylor was asked to keep a drinking water supply in his own house which he very kindly offered to do.9 Dec 1921 The charges for renting the School Room up to midnight 5 shillings. 17 Aug 1922 Meeting: Letter from Mr Taylor asking that the school room not be let after 1am. - No action was taken.
[Mr Taylor lived in the school house next to the school room where the late night dances and socials were happening, one can only sympathise with the noise he had to put up with.]
Painting and Repairing the Inside and Outside of the school was discussed and it was agreed to request estimates from Mr Young and Mr Gibbs for the external work, and Mr Gibbs and Mr Amos for the internal work.
Sports and Amusements meetings on school property to be charged at 1 shilling in the summer and 2 shillings in the winter.19 Apr 1923 For attention of Rev H Hammond
Elmsted Vicarage
School Inspectors Report
This is a small, well conducted school. The behaviour of the children is satisfactory and they reach a very creditable standard of attainments in Elementary Subjects. A Good proportion are 1 or 2 years in advance of the normal standard for their age in Arithmetic. The Head Teacher was appointed in October 1914 and is due to retire in October next.
Signed Mr McGrigor19 Jun 1923 Mr Taylor resigned as Headmaster effective 8 Oct 1923. 23 Aug 1923 Meeting to appoint a new Headmistress. Two applicants were considered at interview stage though both had stated they wanted to live in the school house or to have a house provided for them. Neither was confirmed. 24 Sep 1923 Second round of interviews and the managers appointed Miss Curling of Thornborough, Buckingham.
The KEC allowed Mr Taylor to remain in the school house to the end of term x-mas 1923.22 Nov 1923 After an Architects Inspection, it was agreed that the earth closets were inadequate being only three in number, it was agreed two more be added and the purchase of liquid disinfectant for the closets.
It was agreed to get two estimates for the two extra earth closets and pails. Mr Taylor retiring 21st Dec 1923, the children to collect for some testimonials.31 Jul 1925 A set of Religious Book [Courses] from Canterbury Diocesan Education Society was received by the school. It was agreed to give a donation of 10 shillings back to the society for these books.
Mr Fisher left Court Lodge and resigned as a manager.
It was agreed to ask Mrs Forge of Little Coombe Hastingleigh to stand and failing her, Mr Dive of Coombe Farm Hastingleigh.
Discussion of summer holidays to accommodate end of Sept as many children will be away hop picking till then.. . 30 Oct 1925 School Inspectors Report
The registers which should have been closed by 1.20pm had not been closed when the school was visited at 1.55pmOct 1925. Memo: The Board should be furnished with an explanation of the irregularity mentioned in the HMIs report. 1 Nov 1925 Memo from Rev H Hammond, Elmsted Vicarage The reason given for not doing the register was that the L.E.A. van had arrived with parcels and books and in the bustle and excitement caused by this the teachers forgot the register. The registers appear to be well kept ordinarily. 23 Nov 1925 Meeting:
Mr Dive is on the committee, so it appears that Mrs Forge wasnt able to take up the post.
Miss Curling was reported to the Board of Education by HMI Mr GA Turner as follows
The registers which should have been closed by 1.20pm had not been closed when the school was visited at 1.55pm on 30 Oct 1925. Miss Curling came into the managers meeting to give the following explanation:. The K.E.C. van with books and materials had arrived in the dinner interval and on reassembling the school in the afternoon she was checking the articles received. As several of the children were on the boarder of what afterwards developed into whooping cough and were not feeling very well, Miss Curling set the children some reading. In walked Mr Turner. The rules of the KEC had been broken. The register had not been marked by 1.20pm. The managers felt that Mr Turner was very sharp in his duties considering all the circumstances of which he had full knowledge. The correspondent said he would write to the K.E.C. and the Board of Education.
Christmas School Holidays were set for 23 Dec to January 4th.
The cowl bought in 1923 for the north chimney is reportedly in a bad state.
It was agreed at the meeting that all the floor boards could be replaced with new ones.
A letter was read from Mr Taylor asking School managers not to let the school building after 12.30am for whist drives and dances.
The managers agreed to retain the 1am closing time.14 April 1926 School Inspectors Report
By Mr Morris
This small school is eight miles from a town, five miles from a railway station and several miles from a main road. The managers and the Head-mistress co-operate in efforts to minimise the effects upon the children of this isolation. One of the managers regularly supervises the boys games during the dinner hour. The school work has been hampered during the past year by epidemic sickness and by numerous changes in the population of the village. Since April 1st 1925, 22 children from other schools have been admitted and 19 children still of school age have left. There are now 67 names on the roll. In the circumstances the attainments of the children reflect credit upon the teachers. Arithmetic is well taught to Classes 1 and 2 and Singing is another good subject. The sensible behaviour of the children and their industry when left to work independently show that the school is giving valuable general training.20 Apr 1926 Meeting at the school to consider re-flooring of the school, the possibility of a girls cloak room and new forms or desks for the big school room. Agreed to re-flooring the Big class room and the lobby but not the little class room.
Miss Curling was summoned to the meeting and was consulted about the girls cloak room. It was agreed that the best closing date for the school over the summer was 2nd week in august in view of the possibility of children going hop picking.
Applied for grants from Bettons Charity, KEC, Ecclesiastical Commissioners, Diocesan Board of Finance2 Jun 1926 K.E.C. Maidstone letter:
1. Possible reduction in staff
2. All three teachers signing their agreements with the managers and KEC.
Mr Smith of Elmsted was contracted to re-floor the big classroom for 26 pounds and cloakroom for 23 pounds 10 shillings. Miss Curling was summonsed and asked about her views of a staff of two to work the school and about Miss Haywards position as a supplementary teacher. Managers voted 4 to 1 to keep three teachers.14 May 1927 The resignation of Colonel and Mrs Irby due to them leaving Evington and going to live in Mersham.
Mr Miskin and Mrs Hammond elected as Foundation Managers.
It was agreed to get estimates of painting the woodwork and guttering of the school from Mr [Alf] Young and Mr Smith for two coats of dark green paint and putty where necessary. Missing tiles to be replaced and ceiling re-plastered.10 Aug 1927 Summer Holidays from 19 Aug to 3rd October.
Letter from KEC suggesting that Mrs Taylor should resign.
The correspondent had written to know if Mrs Taylor was fully qualified for a pension. As no reply received, the managers agreed that they had no date to suggest for Mrs Taylors retirement.
The Old desks to be sold 4 large ones for 2/6 each and 3 smaller ones to be sold for 1/- each. Mr Nickolls agreed to purchase some. Regards outside painting, Mr Youngs estimate for 5 pounds 17 shillings and 6 pence was accepted subject to the paint containing the best white lead.28 Nov 1927 Mrs Taylor to be asked to send in her resignation to terminate school work at Easter 1928.
Hastingleigh Parish Meeting had recommended to lay on water to the school and for the tap to be located in the girls cloak room.
School holidays settled as Dec 21st to Jan 2nd.
Mr Taylor was asked to remove a wireless pole from the school building.24 Jan 1928 A letter was read from Mr HS Knight Gregson a London Solicitor to Lord Ashburton stating that there would be no objection whatever to the school managers becoming tenants of the school house.
The correspondent was asked to interview Mr Taylor as to whether he intended to vacate the school house when Mrs Taylor retired.
The question of the wireless pole was deferred.
Miss Curling was interviewed and asked whether she would like the school house if the managers could obtain possession to which she replied yes.It was agreed that boys wearing wet shoes and stockings to school would be allowed to change in to dry ones.
It was proposed that a presentation to Mrs Taylor for 13 years service be arranged for 18th April at 3.30 in the school. A subscription be arranged limited to 2/6 per donor and to include former pupils. Miss Curling and the Vicar to interview Mrs Taylor regards a suitable present.
A Whist drive and Dance arranged for 9 May to raise money towards paying Lepers company to lay on a water supply to the school.
School House: a letter from Miss Curling asking whether anything was settled about Mr Taylor vacating the school house. It was unanimously decided by the managers that every effort be made to get control of the school house.
Miss Curling reported that Miss Hayward had again failed in her examinations.
The income from county Council Elections on March2nd 1928 held in the school was 10 shillings.
A letter from Mr Ashby complaining of the children spoiling the corn crop and breaking his hedge. Mr Tappenden and Mr Miskin to meet Mr Ashby regarding a fence round the playground.
The correspondent was asked to write to Mr Taylor to remove all his and Mrs Taylors belongings from the school house by March 31st 1928.
Mr Young stated to the correspondent that the cost of repairing the roof of the girls cloakroom would be about 10/- [shillings.]30 Apr 1928 23 Oct 1935 Sir
The committee are informed by the managers that the large room at the school has been divided by a folding partition in the position shown on the enclosed plan. The partition is unglazed, is carried up to the ceiling without a ventilator, and has a communicating door in the position shown. The heating apparatus is by two stoves as shown on the plan.
A new window has also been provided in the north east wall. The committee will be glad if the Board will take the opportunity to furnish a revised assessment of the reorganised accommodation of the building which, according to the Committee?s records is at present in two rooms of 77 and 29.
I am, Sir
Yours Faithfully
E Salter Davies15 Nov 1935 The managers put in a partition during the summer holiday without consulting the L.E.A. or me. It reaches to the ceiling and is in the best position but otherwise is about as bad as it can be. It is made entirely of thin boarding (1/2 inch or 5/8 inch) and has no opening in the upper part. The result is that it acts as a drum, and the middle room is one of the worst I have been in as regards audibility. I am told that a curtain is to be hung on the inner side of the partition, which will probably deaden the sound but will make it less easy to pass from one room to the other. The lighting and ventilation in the middle room are satisfactory and so on the whole they are in the outer room where a new window has been put in. There is a stove in each room.
The number of staff has recently been reduced to two teachers but the numbers are rising and it is likely that a new teacher will be needed again soon. I am told that the managers cannot afford a glazed partition. While the division of this room by a partition is sufficiently an improvement to make and undesirable to ask for its removal. I think that it would be as well to inform the managers that partitions of this kind are not recommended and that they should take the first opportunity of substituting a glazed partition. As to accommodation I would suggest 34 to the outer room (41) to the middle room and (if it is now possible to reassess it on the 10 sq feet basis) 26 for the infant room. The partition is not exactly in the position shown on the plan but 16ft 3inches from the outside wall. Thus the middle room will be 15ft 27 inches = 417 sq ft. And 14 ft x 8 inches = 363 sq ft but i think that 5ft x 3 inches should be deducted for the porch inside the room. This would give 346 sq ft
A.M.M.21 Nov 1935 With regard to HMIs x/ opposite I think the partition will be satisfactory if it were boarded on both sides with an effective sound deadening material under the boarding; if it has been boarded on only 1 side the managers might have it boarded up on the other side as well, with some kind of patent fibre boarding backed by the sound absorbing material. I agree with HMIs suggestions for the assessment of the rooms.
R.W.A.1935 Memo: I agree to reassessment being 34 and 42.
We should ask the managers be reminded of the provisions of article 5161 of the code under which proposals for alterations in the premises of the school should be submitted to the Board for approval before being carried into effect and add as suggested at X/ of Item 1s minute. (Personally Im not in favour of any division of an existing room which creates a new class room of less than 400 sq feet since it often leads to uneconomical staffing but the existence of the small infants room of only 26ft x 58ft here probably makes the division carried out here less open to criticism in that respect.)5 Dec 1935 Memo:
Mr Williams
I am directed (by the Board of Education) to return the plan of the premises of the school and to ..?.. that subject to any observations which the authority of managers may be viewed within a month from the date of this letter is to offer the Board propose to reassess accommodation of the school at (34 x 42 x 26) mixed and infant children. I also request that managers may be reminded of the X- X and asked to replace one thin boarded partition by a glazed partition at the first opportunity.
A copy of this letter is enclosed for the convenience of the authority in communicating with the managers.
Correction notes to Memo:
The folding partition which has been erected to divide the large room is reported by HMI to be unsatisfactory in some respects and it is suggested that the managers should arrange as soon as circumstances permit to make it sound proof. This might best be done by boarding on both sides with an effective sound deadening material between.27 Nov 1935 HMI Mr Morley [His Majestys Inspector of Schools]
Im sorry to trouble you with this again but I have spoken to Mr Aiken and learn that he does not favour a layed Partition in this case. What is suggested in his minutes of 21 Nov 1935 is therefore an alternative to laying, and I should be glad to know whether you consider that the amended draft above will meet the circumstances.1 Dec 1935 Mr Cochrane
I suggested a glazed partition because such partitions are ...?.... Sound proof and are practically the only kind of partition used in this area. I have no objections to a boarded partition provided that it is sound proof, and no doubt the managers of this partition scheme would prefer to convert their partition in this way rather than replace it by a glazed one.
A.M.M.5 Dec 1935 Sir
With reference to Mr Salter Davies letter of the 23rd October, I am directed to return the plan of the premises of the above named school and to state that, subject to any observations which the Authority or Managers may wish to offer the Board propose to reassess the accommodation of the School at 102 (34+42+26) mixed and infant children. I am to request that the managers be reminded of the provisions of Article 5(b) of the Code under which proposals for alterations in the premises of the School should be submitted for the Boards approval before being carried into effect. The folding partition which has been erected to divide the large room is reported by H M Inspector to be unsatisfactory in some respects and it is suggested that the Managers should arrange, as circumstances permit to make it sound proof. This might best be done by boarding on both sides with an effective sound-deadening material between. A copy of this letter is enclosed for the convenience of the Authority in communicating with the managers.
I am, Sir
Your obedient Servant.
G.D. Rokeling.27 Jan 1936 To Rev R Coverdale
Elmsted Vicarage.
Elmsted and Hastingleigh School Inspectors Report by Miss MS Smylie.
Under the present headmistress who was appointed here in 1932 the school continues to exhibit the same happy atmosphere which characterised it in the past.
Numbers have fallen off slightly and with 50 children on books the school is at present organised in two classes, the second in charge of a trained certified assistant, whose first post this is. In the summer much of the teaching is carried on in the open air.
The children are full of life and interest work well and independently and tackle unfamiliar work with courage.
Their speech however is not very clear and correct. Intensive efforts are made to produce good speech when the school prepares to give an entertainment: but it is possible that improvement could be effected by more systematic training; though poor acoustics particularly of the second classroom where the thin partition acts as a drum are imimical to good work.
The new dramatic readers adopted with zest in the first class should give opportunities for such training, and correct a certain monotony in the reading. In arithmetic the youngest juniors are unusually advanced and though the work is hardly developed proportionally at the top of the school the majority of children calculate fairly quickly and accurately.
English composition is limited in scope and quite unsophisticated, but the children express themselves individually and reasonably accurately.
The school is too remote for boys or girls to attend centres of practical instruction. Vegetable and flower gardens are kept by boys and girls respectively; these are well tended, and gardening has become a live interest to some of the older children.
It is suggested that though some very fair work is done, needlework might possibly be organised on more systematically progressive lines.15 May1939 Sir
I enclose a copy of a letter from the managers and of the committees reply. The committee will be glad if the board will give their approval to the proposed re-organisation. The senior children will be offered conveyance to Ashford North Central School. There will be a saving in staff at the school of one assistant teacher whose salary is L84.10.0 a year rising to L288 and it is estimated that the cost of conveyance will be L160 a year.25 May1939 Letter from Mr Morley to Smylie
Will you please inform us whether
1a. To the school to which it is proposed to transfer the older children .... a reasonable distance having regard to transport facilities offered.
1b. Conveniently situated having regard to danger of the children from traffic etc
1c. To organise and staffed as to provide a better education for them than is possible at their present school
1d. Equipped with facilities for warming meals and drying clothes
2. Have you heard of any serious opposition by parents as there will be approximately 16 juniors and infants remaining at this school you may consider it advisable to reassess accommodation - see schedule following. Presumably we may omit the room of 261 sq foot as it would appear that the 417 sq foot room is all that is required.1 Jun 1939 1a. The question of distance is a difficult one: if the bus is to collect children from the neighbourhood it will have to make a circuit of Hastingleigh, Elmsted and Bodsham (where the school is situated) and owing partly to the ... and nature of the country the distance by road to the Ashford North Central School from the furthest village (i.e. Elmsted) is approximately 10 miles At the same time it is difficult to see how reorganisation can be effected more advantageously in any other way. ..?.. therefore of ..?.. be right to ..?.. that in the circumstances the distance is reasonable.
1b.- yes
1c.- yes
1d.- yes
2. No Rather the contrary: it is already not unknown for parents in these villages to arrange for their children to go to school in Ashford. There seems no reason to retain either of the smaller rooms on the accommodation. /M Smylie5 Jun 1939 If this school is to be ....?... at all, the children will have to travel a considerable distance and I imagine that there is not likely to be a senior school much nearer than Ashford. At any rate it will be some years before there is, and when it is built it will not be within easy reach. It looks as if the accommodation might be assessed at 40. Memo to reassess the school at accommodating 42 pupils. 20 Jun 1939 With reference to Mr Morris letter of the 15th Oct
I am directed to state that the Board concur in the proposal of the authority to which it is understood that the managers have agreed, that the .... school should be reorganised for juniors and infants and the senior children be carried to Ashford North Central School. The board should be informed in due course of the date on which reorganisation takes effect. Subject to any observations which the authority and managers may wish to offer it is proposed to reorganise the school as from that date as accommodating not more than 42 junior and infant children. A copy of this letter is enclosed for the convenience of the authority in communicating with the managers.Memo added
In 3 months please.
[within the three months, War was declared and this seems to have suspended all changes to the running of the school. The school did remain open throughout the war in some form or another despite damage to ceilings and structure from doodle bug blasts.]24 Jul 1945 Letter to the Ministry of Education
From E. Woodhead
County Education Officer
In June 1939, arrangements were made for the reorganisation of the above named school for junior and infant children and for the conveyance of the senior children to Ashford. Owing to the war, however, it was necessary for the reorganisation to be deferred. The managers now wish the committee to proceed with the reorganisation of the school. In view of the short time available before the beginning of the Autumn Term, the Committee propose to proceed with the reorganisation on the assumption that the Ministry will raise no objection. The committee will be glad to learn that the Ministry concur in the arrangements for reorganisation and for the accommodation of the senior children at the Ashford North County Modern School.
I am, Sir
Your obedient Servant
E W WoodheadLetter to the Local Education Authority
With reference to Mr Woodheads letter of the 24th July 1945 I am directed by the Minister of Education to state that she concurs in the Authoritys proposal that the above-named school should be re-organised for infant and junior children. The ministry should be informed in due course of the date on which the re-organisation takes place.
I am, Sir
Your obedient Servant
LC Gwinnell11 Sep 1945 Sir
In reference to your letter of 5th Sept, I am to inform the ministry that the date on which the re-organisation of the Elmsted and Hastingleigh Primary School takes effect is 10th September.. . 4 May 1948 Letter to Local Education Authority
From G R Hughes
I am directed by the Ministry of Education to acknowledge the receipt of Mr Woodheads letter of 19th April 1948 from which it is noted that the managers of the above-named school propose that the school should be maintained as a Controlled school. According to the records at this office the school premises are privately owned. It is undesirable that public funds should be expended on such premises and it is, therefore, suggested that before the Minister makes his Order directing that the school shall be maintained as a Controlled School, the managers should endeavour to arrange, either that the site and premises be placed on charitable trusts for educational purposes or that the owner should grant to the Diocesan Education Committee or other suitable trustees a lease for a term of years not less than the period for which the premises will be required for school purposes. It is probable that the Managers will wish to consult the Diocesan Education Committee further on this matter. A copy of this letter is enclosed for the convenience of the Authority in communicating with the Managers.
I am, Sir
Your obedient Servant
GR Hughes20 Apr 1949 Ministry of Education using the Education Act 1944 directs that Elmsted and Hastingleigh School shall become a controlled school. 14 Jun 1950 Sir
Elmsted and Hastingleigh Primary School
1. With reference to Mr R Woodheads letter of the 22nd May 1950, I am directed by the Minister of Education to return the enclosed plan and to state that the Authoritys proposal to provide new sanitary accommodation at the above school at an estimated cost of L600 has been noted. It is understood that this expenditure will be not by means of a loan, to be aggregated with other small items and submitted in due course.
2. This letter carried approval for the purpose of Section 63 of the Education Act 1944. 3. With regard to controlled materials an application for a timber licence will be made at a later date.
I am, Sir
Your obedient Servant9 Apr 1951 Sir
With reference to Mr Woodheads letter of 14th March, I am directed by the Minister of Education to state that although he is prepared to approve a reasonable expenditure on making the teachers dwelling house habitable he is concerned that the estimated cost has now risen to L850. I am therefore to request that the estimate may be re-examined with a view to its reduction. The period of the proposed lease has not yet been mentioned. The Ministers approval is on the understanding that it will be a long one, say 21 years.
I am, Sir
Your obedient Servant
KA Kennedy26 Apr 1951 Sir
With reference to the official letter of 9th April and to the subsequent telephone conversation with Mr Trench, I am directed by the Minister of Education to state that he is prepared to approve an expenditure of L850 on making habitable the teachers dwelling house at the above named school. It is understood that the authority are assured of the lease of these premises for as long a period as they wish.
I am, Sir
Your obedient Servant
KA Kennedy (miss)26 Jan 1952 Lease for 21 years from 5th Dec 1951 paying a yearly rent of L1 on Christmas Day each year to the Canterbury Diocesan Board of Finance. This term of 21 years to be renewable if at least 6 months notice be given before the expiration of the initial lease, using all the terms and covenants of the original lease. [One of those terms states that all painting work undertaken should use two coats of white lead paint! I sincerely hope that this clause was duly amended when the lease was renewed in 1972.] 1954 Mr H.J. Nancollas and his wife joined the school as Headmaster and teacher. They taught at the school for well over 30 years. Mr Nancollas was awarded an MBE in the New Years Honours list for 1987 for services to Education. 10 Jul 1956 Elmsted and Hastingleigh Church of England Primary School
School Inspectors Report
Among several pleasing features of this small, two-class Primary school of 55 boys and girls, three are particularly noteworthy. They are: its delightful rural setting, with wide views across the lovely countryside; the informed enthusiasm of the teaching, and the eager response of the boys and girls; the gentle quality of the daily life. Though by no means modern, the soundly constructed school building affords two class rooms and a communicating class room hall which is invaluable for the many activities which both the Infant and the Junior classes enjoy outside their own rooms. A circular window, imaginative placed in a wall of the infant rooms looks out over the small hard surface playground which gave way, without intervening fencing, to the sloping but very useful grassed area on which physical activities involving the use of small apparatus and agility equipment, some of which is improvised, are carried out. The children enter with zest into their games and physical training, and most change or strip down for the work.
Detached sanitary facilities have been modernised, and suitable washing provision in the class room hall enables the children to prepare for the school meal which is cooked and served in the converted stables of the Rectory a large house opposite the school. Some features of this provision are not up to standard and should be critically examined, but the separate dining space is an undoubted benefit to the school, most of whose children stay for the meal. The school is staffed by a young Head Master and his wife a qualified teacher with a special interest in Music. They were appointed less than two years ago in succession to a head master and his assistant whose contribution to the work of the school was, so it seems, noteworthy.
There is no doubt that the impetus previously given to the work has been well-maintained, and new emphasis skilfully introduced. The work and life of the infant class is marked by the individual interest that the mistress takes in each child. She provides a secure environment, and the class is most responsive to her gentle manner. Reading ability is developing satisfactorily and the already satisfactory progress of the older infants should receive fresh impetus if their reading books were displayed on accessible shelves. Efforts are made to encourage fluent and correct written English, and the free writing of the oldest in the class shows progression. Such work could, if approached through illustration, be more frequently introduced to the younger groups, where it might well constitute and aid to reading ability. The possibility of enriching and enlarging each childs vocabulary during incidental class room conversation and through the reading and telling of stories is appreciated. Most of the Number work is formal. More imaginative treatment might enable the children to increase their understanding of arithmetical concepts through the use of concrete examples and practical situations. In spite of the limited space of the Infant classroom, but with the relief afforded by the small hall, creative activities are encouraged. Varied materials are provided and the children handle sense-training apparatus with a sure touch. An interest in Music has been awakened, and the musical possibilities of the schools percussion band are being explored. So happy an introduction to school life and activities is likely to be of more value if the teaching received by the Junior Class retains many of the same good qualities, but, at the same time, changes both the tempo of the childrens approach to work and varies considerably the emphasis on the different aspects of work. Such helpful conditions are to be found in the school.
The individual is still all important and his capabilities are assessed and catered for as far as is possible. So much that the children do must, and does, contribute to, and depend on, Language. Here language, in its widest sense, is perhaps the most important activity. Oral and written work in many forms can be heard and seen. Lessons involving discussion; reading for pleasure and information; individual accounts of interests and happenings, (some of which are related in a most fluent speech); constant incidental references to words and growth of vocabulary; story reading by the teacher and much individual conversation all make their contribution to this work. But good language needs full content, and here again the School makes a particularly good effort. Much information is garnered from the lessons of general interest ie. Religious Instruction, History, Geography, Nature Studies and Literature. Much incidental learning arises from the development of group topics and from School visits. Particularly good use is made of BBC material. And all this information finds its way not only into the childrens oral and written work, but also into their illustrations, modelling and wall displays. Such work often throws responsibility on individuals and groups. Here such responsibility is accepted and groups of children may be found working not only in the classrooms but in the sitting room or dining room of the Head Masters house, which adjoins the School. It is work, too, which requires a reasonable amount of reading material, and efforts are being made to provide a quantity of books on various topics and to collect useful magazines. Of particular merit if the approach to nature study. Direct observation of several natural phenomena is encouraged, and, at the present time, weather studies, involving both a study of clouds and of readings from the schools small weather station; simple line transects and grid charts relating to plant distribution on the lawns and fields; observation and recording of insects habitats are being carried on or have been done recently. Of peculiar interest is the study in decomposition, or the sad story of Leslie and Joy, two dead moles, whose decaying corpses lying in the garden are regularly observed and provide material for notes. All this material and much that is personal and imaginative is found in written work of an attractive and sound quality. Number mainly arithmetic- is carefully taught, and the general command over the few rules is fairly firm. But little of the work is particularly noteworthy. This subject might provide the School with a field of interesting experiment.
Much Art and Craft is practised. Some of it is very creditable, but not all shows that spontaneity and gaiety, as well as the progressive appreciation of composition, that is sometimes seen in young childrens creative work. Needlework is developing, though here again more colour and variety in stitches and patterns might be allowed. The children are encouraged to enjoy Music. Continued practice should improve the tone and ability to maintain pitch in unaccompanied singing, which is a commendable feature of the teaching. Consideration is being given to the use of the percussion band, and to the development of music reading. This is a delightful school. From the opening Assembly a simple, dignified meeting at which the children play an important part,- throughout the day the School is alive with many interests and eager children many of whom travel some distance to attend.I found the tale of the two moles rather odd, and I mentioned it to some former pupils who had been attending the school at that time. Yes they could recall the moles, and through the grape vine, Mr Nancollas (the then Head Master) was told of my interest in the moles. He passed on a message to advise that the nature study was called Agents of Decay, that the moles were named after two pupils. Mr Nancollas has kept the school work projects written by the children over 50 years ago and he reflected on the many varied projects undertaken during his tenure. The study of weather resulting from a chance encounter with a Met Office weather balloon which had landed in a field on Mr Nancollas cycle route to school one morning. He also undertook an in depth study of Bodsham New Town. A creation of his, to encourage the children to imagine what it would be like if Bodsham suddenly expanded out of all recognition. This involved studies of railways, how they would be built to reach Bodsham, the length of the train journeys, the infrastructure necessary for a Post War New Town. There were maps and models and judging from what Mr Nancollas tells of this project, to all intents and purposes Bodsham New Town was quite an impressive achievement. 19 Aug 1964 Bodsham Church of England Primary School
With reference to Mr Moores letter of 10th August 1964, I am directed by the Secretary of State to say that he approves, so far as his requirements are concerned, the work shown on the plans submitted, as specified of Form S.B.16 at a cost of L2,360. This approval is given subject to the Authority being able to meet the gross cost from their Minor works allocation for the period in which the work is started. The limit of school meals premises grant for this project is L2360. Expenditure within this limit will rank for 100% grant under regulation 5 of the milk and meals grant regulations 1959. A statement of cost on tender should be sent to the Department on form SB27 The tender need not be referred to the Department for approval, however, unless it is proposed to accept a price which would increase the gross cost of the project by more than one percent above the agreed estimate of L2360. A certificate from the architect on form SB23 should be sent to the Department as soon as possible after th completion of the work. Immediate notification of the date on which this accommodation is taken into use should be sent to the Department and Her Majestys Inspector. A copy of this letter is enclosed for the use of the Authority in communicating with Managers.
I am, Sir
Your obedient Servant
LHJ Protheroe.21 Jan 1965 Sir
With reference to Mr Haynes letter of 14th January 1965, I am directed by the secretary of state to say that he approves the expenditure of L207.5.11 on heavy equipment and L198.13.0 on light equipment for the kitchen at the above named school, together with the sum of L155.15.7 on the provision of dining furniture. The total expenditure of L651.14.6 will rank for 100% grant under regulation 5 of the milk and meals grant regulations 1959.
I am Sir
Your obedient Servant
LHJ Protheroe