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Hastingleigh WW2 -
Some items of news gleaned from the Kentish Express Newspaper during the war years 1939-1945
1942 Mrs Churchills Russian Red Cross Appeal - the village holds a fund raiser.
14 Jan 1944: Hastingleigh & Elmsted Farmers Discussion Group held their 4th meeting at the Bowl on Friday last,
when 35 members attended. A lively discussion ensued upon the value of the American Steel threshing
machine, which had given great satisfaction to those who'd had opportunity to use it during this season.
21 Jan 1944: Kent Agricultural committee urge all growers to complete a Fruit Census of their farms.
11 Feb 1944: Many householders in Kent awoke to gardens strewn with paper strips. Some black on
both sides sandwiching a strip of silver foil. Others silver on one side and black on the other. These finds
coincided with passing enemy aircraft. The strips are called Staniol and are a tin foil, or aluminium foil supposed
to interfere with radio location of aircraft and renders the pin pointing of enemy aircraft less accurate.
March 1944: The Rector and Wardens of Hastingleigh Parish Church have received a gift of an organ from
Mr Mumford Cook of Lyminge. The organ will be a great improvement for the conduct of services and it is hoped
to form a choir as soon as possible.
19 May 1944: New Ration Books to be issued on 14th June at the Village Hall between 2 -7pm. Bring ID cards and old
ration book properly filled in, for each person requiring a new ration book.
6 June 1944: D-day this barely gets a mention, despite the fact that the skies above Kent would have been
swarming with wave after wave of aircraft. 14, 674 flights to France were made on D-day.
30 June 1944: Restrictions on the display of signs indicating place names have been relaxed. The order previously in
force prohibited the display of any sign indicating the name, situation, direction or distance of any place if the sign
could be read and understood from a highway, railway train or low flying aircraft. Restrictions are now limited to
those signs that could be read by low flying aircraft only, and those on factories and warehouses etc which remain
prohibited. Shops can now use signage, and the exhibition of places on vehicles is still exempt from restrictions.
22 Sep 1944: Following 80 days of assault by flying bomb, the Kentish Express printed a list of each parish's hits.
Hastingleigh suffered two direct hits during the preceding 80 days, and seems to have got off lightly compared to some
8 Dec 1944: Kent Home Guard to Stand Down, though the blackout was still in effect. Kent evacuees from Deal, Dover,
Folkestone, Margate, Ramsgate and Sandwich may return home. Blackout restrictions along the Shepway coast are
15 Dec 1944: Hastingleigh Home Guard hold a whist drive to raise funds for the RAF Benevolent fund. Also presentation
of a framed address and a cheque to Mr F. Prebble who as Roadman retired after 42 years service, delaying his retirement
for the duration of the war. Every household was canvassed, and every household subscribed towards the presentation.
24 Dec 1944: Rules on Headlamp masks (to restrict light from vehicles and motorbikes) are lifted.